Fiction, Love, Relationships, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing

The Picture #ShortStory (Part 3)

Read first part of The Picture #ShortStory here. Read the second part of the story here. “Who is this from?” Mohit wondered looking at the long email he had just received. Apart from college assignments it had information about various competitive exams to apply for after graduation. It was from someone named Kriti who even after racking… Read More The Picture #ShortStory (Part 3)

Feelings, Fiction, Friends, Love, Relationships, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing

The Picture #ShortStory (Part 1)

Mohit gazed out the window of his luxurious corner office absently toying with his half-filled coffee mug. The picture perfect view of the Queen’s Necklace normally warmed his heart and soothed his ego but today his mind was elsewhere. The coffee had long gone cold while his eyes lay transfixed on the crashing waves. He… Read More The Picture #ShortStory (Part 1)

Blogging, Fathers, Fiction, Relationships, Story-telling, Writing, Writing Prompts

The hero with no cape #WriteBravely

“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”  Suraj drearily read the Whatsapp forward his sister sent him. He abhorred checking messages, much less when they weren’t urgent or important. Right now though, he didn’t have the energy to deal with her I-atleast-remembered-you saga. He… Read More The hero with no cape #WriteBravely

Fiction, General, Motivation, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing, Writing Prompts

Famous and remembered #WriteBravely

Prabhu looked down the legendary winding staircase. He remembered being in complete awe of it when he visited this place for the first time. Commoners back then, some now famous names walked down this same flight of stairs everyday, just like him. While they treaded towards a promising future, his journey comprised of running errands for… Read More Famous and remembered #WriteBravely