How often have we looked at women with good careers, great bodies, perfect hair, and happy relationships and wondered how they manage to achieve it all? It’s almost unreal, agreed, but do we try to fathom the kind of dedication and hard work it takes as well? Whether it’s a man or woman, unconditional support from family helps but what keeps one sane and grounded in the time one spends with and on self. Self-care is one of the most underrated motivators that can initiate the switch from average to savage!
Self-care is giving the word the best of you, instead of what’s left of you. ~ Katie Reed. I couldn’t agree more with this line. People deserve to know and meet our best version, why let them settle for anything less? My transformation journey is one of the biggest examples of how mental and physical transformation go hand in hand. It was and is a constant battle between wanting to go easy on myself and prioritising self-care over indulgences. However, I must highlight how my mental health has improved by leaps and bounds with it.
One doesn’t simply pick up weapons and head to war. It takes months of planning and preparation, right? Self-care is no different. All it takes is the intent to focus on self and conscious steps in the right direction. Call it an elaborate self-reclaiming activity, if you may.
Get moving and eat right
30 minutes of physical activity every day is sufficient to keep you healthy and happy. Walking, Yoga, aerobics, dancing or anything else that you enjoy doing is good. Make the most of this time by connecting with yourself. Good health also means consuming balanced homecooked meals, limiting caffeine, and avoiding packaged foods and drinks. Self-care begins with both these crucial points.
Prioritise and follow set goals
Many of us are often guilty of biting more than we chew. We over commit our time and then struggle to keep up with mounting workload. This can affect our performance and cause anxiety which is harmful for mental health. Prioritising is the best way to clear everything from your plate in time. Learn to say no and don’t repent it later. Also, don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
Practice relaxation and gratitude
From kids to senior citizens, stress spares no one. Online classes, lockdown, the fear of infections etc have made it worse over the last two years. Hence, relaxation and wellness techniques like meditation, breathing exercises etc are the best bet for self-care. There are many apps that can walk you through the process too. Practicing gratitude by counting your blessings or journaling also works wonders for mental health.
Give yourself a makeover
Mental health includes how, what and why we feel about ourselves. Its connection with physical appearance and vanity cannot be disregarded. If pampering yourself by going to the spa, colouring your hair with bright colours or dressing up in a chic dress makes you feel good, why not? Its liberating to choose to be different and you deserve the attention it brings. Don’t worry about what others will say. Go for it!
Seek positivity
Negative thoughts and people suck happiness out of your life making you feel miserable. Identify, avoid them and consciously work on neutralising the effect they have on you. Light a diya, play with kids or read a book and surround yourself with positivity.
Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation. ~ Audrey Lorde. There is no bigger love and responsibility than the one we have towards ourselves. We exude what we feel. A happy person will always be a delight to be around and attract similar vibes. Spare some time for yourself, hang out with friends and enjoy the changes that come with time and age. One life, live it up!
This post is part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter
© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Agree with your thoughts completely. many people think that self care means being selfish but it true sense it is a fuel that gives you energy to serve others. self care is essential for good mental and physical health and each one should take out time to follow a self care ritual.
Once we start paying attention towards ourselves, we start seeing its positive results. We learn many new things about us. Self-care allow us to respect ourselves even more. The practices you have mentioned do not need any fancy set up. We just have to start.
Now these self care seems like a must for all. Giving myself a goal and make over is on my list to follow 😃
The importance of Self Care is very important, it is only of late that people, and especially women have started to realize this. After all only if you take care of your own self, can you be of help to others.
Prioritization really makes everything easy and motivates equally. The blog also mentions the importance of makeover which is essential in these monotonous times.
I too truly believe in self-care and strongly advocate it too. I agree when you say we should become best version of ourselves, why settle for anything less when we deserve much more.
I am so glad you wrote this dearie. The sooner you realise this the better, I have learned this the hard way. Admire you for how you have transformed.
Absolutely self care is not an indulgence but a necessity for rewiring and distressing ourselves. A makeover and fitness works wonders for me.
Self care is the need of the hour because you cannot help others if you cannot help yourself. A lot of people go about life thinking their happiness depends on other people. Seeking validation from others is the biggest mistake one can do.
I truly believe what you have said. Self-care is very important and this I have realised 2 years back. When you start taking care of yourself the way you improve yourself is commendable. And it truly inspires you to be the best person for yourself and that is what is important for us. Thanks for writing this post
What a lovely post, Varsha! Self care & self love is not easy because in our society a woman thinking about herself is considered self centred but if we really want to attain happiness from within then we have to ignore what other say or think and focus on what matters to us. Thanks for sharing these pointers with us.
Self care is definitely one thing that I learned over the last two years and has been my number one priority. I have started to work on being happy and focusing on the things that I need. Thanks for this post, it surely is a reminder for all.
Oh yes! In the humdrum of daily life, it is so easy for us to forget the most important aspect of life – taking care of ourselves!! Thanks for reminding us with this post!
Self care is autmost important now a days . Keeps a goal and to work towards to achieve that is an amazing think .
I love to talk about self-care. i have mentioned the similar points in my new book too. Great blog
Very true. I believe that if you love yourself and care for yourself only everything else falls into place
Be it a pandemic or no self care is essential. It is how you look at yourself and take care of yourself amd shoe your body that you care.
I always prioritize giving time to myself. And thankfully my husband also makes sure that I get time to be with myself and free my mind from all the responsibilities and chores.
I have been taking time out to do self care because I decided if I am not in peace mentally I can’t function. So its a great thing for your mental health as well!
I totally agree self care or love for ourselves is the greatest motivator in life to transform. Infact I have been intending to do so for a long while now however it never becomes possible I feel to bring that motivation from deep within.
Self care or love for yourself is one of the major reasons for being able to walk on the path of transformation. I have been trying quite hard for a while now however have not been able to successfully walk on it.
100% agree with your thoughts. We really need time to follow these