Blogging, Fiction, Funny life, Humour, Just rambling, Story-telling, Writing, Writing Prompts

Learning from Dad’s rules #WriteBravely

My dad gave me three life rules to live by:

1. Spoken words can never be taken back. Use them wisely.

2. Live and enjoy life to the fullest but remember to save for a rainy day, and

3. Any temptation, when overdone, is dangerous.

The first two were easy, but the third one proved difficult all because of a cheeseburger. Let me explain.”

Sunny weather and glistening sands beckoned us and I, with my girl gang, went for a weekend vacation to Goa. Formal suits had made way for skimpy beachwear and comfy sneakers took over towering stilettos. As we craved thirstily for some down time, the beach became our oasis.

Despite a splitting headache from too many Tequila shots last night, I broke vacation rules and woke up early that Sunday. Leaving my purring girls behind I grabbed my sipper bottle and went for a jog on the beach alone. Taking in the cold morning breeze and the beautiful sight, I felt at peace with myself. The feeling was ethereal!

Panting after a while, I sat close to the water with childlike excitement, waiting for a bigger wave to come and drench me. The scene from Dear Zindagi made an obligatory appearance in my mind. Just when I was preparing to get lost in the remnants of Shahrukh’s words and sight, I was distracted by an unmistakable fleeting aroma of a cheeseburger. It made my empty stomach grumble.

A stray dog was feasting on an abandoned half-eaten cheeseburger not far from where I was sitting. My sudden gaze in his direction seemed to alarm him for his cheese-stained teeth and tongue suddenly came out in angry defense. Unmindful of him I stared, my salivating eyes and mouth dreamily concentrating on the memories associated with a crisp patty, crunchy onions, melting cheese and a sesame seeds-topped bun.

The dog seemed in no mood to engage me though. Even as I took a moment to put on my sneakers to make a move, he barked piercingly and charged at me in full force. Panicked and terrified, I discarded them there and ran so fast, my Marathon trainer would’ve cried in happiness. The stubborn animal, I couldn’t help notice, still had that cheeseburger stuffed in its mouth!

Dad’s rules are wise, sensible and always to be heeded, as I found out that day the hard way. 🙁

This post is written for Day 3 of the The Write Tribe Festival of Words June 2018.

Adding an old post for Write Tribe Festival of Words June 2017.

Image prompt and Writing prompt:

Start your story with: “My dad gave me three life rules to live by: 1. (fill in the blank), 2. (fill in the blank) and 3. (fill in the blank). The first two were easy, but the third one proved difficult all because of a cheeseburger. Let me explain.”

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