Have you ever stared at a blank screen or a page with a hundred thoughts in your mind and are yet completely disillusioned about which one to pen down first or how to come up with something that will make you feel liberated and worthy of yourself? Well, that’s where I am right now and it is a wretched, uncomfortable feeling.
Last few months have gone in a jiffy and I have no recollection of anything meaningful I’ve managed to do during this time. If anything, my workout routine has gone for a toss and trips to our natives (complete with hearty three-course meals almost everyday) have pushed me into blaming my ‘expansion’ to the killing summer heat. I want to believe I might have company here.
The one who blogged daily, now I blog sparsely and read even fewer blogs. While I looked in awe at the amazingly large number of bloggers participating in the April A to Z Challenge and coming up with awesome themes and posts, I don’t know why I kept away from it. Was I not confident of pulling it off? May be or may be time crunch was a lame excuse.
I’ve probably said this before and am saying it again. Vacations are for kids. For us mothers they mean 24 hours of non-stop playing referee, cooking, cleaning, sleep-deprivation and irritation. I’ve sorely missed the routine of dropping A Jr off to school and then crashing on my bed for my afternoon siesta with Angel. Just this last one week, I motivate and remind myself!
Writing is the most therapeutic thing for me and sadly it is something I haven’t been able to do lately. The ideas that I had left to ferment have all gone bad now and I can’t recognise them anymore. I’ve seemed to cross the thin line between being patient and being lazy. True, I’ve been busy with other things but first love cannot be replaced or ignored!
If you’ve liked reading my blog and would like me to continue writing here, would you please drop a comment for me to feel inspired? There is nothing more heartening than knowing that if even for one tiny moment someone took time out of their life and shared it for you, with you. (I wouldn’t mind if you choose to reprimand me for not visiting your blog. It is a different kind of encouragement. 😉 )
Hey Varsha! Fret not ???? Life has its ups and downs. Enjoy the time with kids now. Get back to routine, shape and writing from next week onwards! Looking forward to your posts dear! ????????
How sweet of you to say that, Radhi. ????????
I might post something in a day or two. I hope you like it. ????????????
Hi Varsha do not feed your ego it will not allow you to do anything least write or do whatever you like. Go all out for it, even I was feeling low for a few days but you have to push yourself forward. Keep up what you are doing and I am waiting for a great post from your side. Have a great day.
Thank you so much, Kamal. There’s a whole lot of sensible advice packed in this one comment of yours! ????????
Lets hope I do not disappoint you. Needed these words of encouragement. Feeling good. You made my day, and you have a great one too.
Welcome dear and yes go ahead and push yourself towards what you want to do.
Thanks, Kamal.
Please Continue with ur passion of writing….. Because our passion is our own n it is what defines us…..
How right you are. Our passions are ours indeed. Subtle signs of appreciation make them even better though. ????????
Thank you so much for your comment, Alka. Hope you see you around.
Keep it up! Especially if it’s a passion.
Thank you so much! ☺
Varsha.. have some sticky notes attached to your dress to note down the thoughts whenever it strike you
Jokes apart, I have that notepad in my bag, wherever I go and some easily accessible ones at home too, which I keep secretly ????
That’s sensible advice, Akhi. Someone else had suggested that too. So lazy I am to ignore it. :-/
I have to ask, why keep notepads at home secretly? ????
It’s my private property????????
Ahh writer’s block, we’ve all been there. I’ve been away from my blog for a while too, and it seems April is never going to be a free enough month for me for the A to Z challenge. Do continue writing Varsh, although I don’t visit here every time I always get back sooner or later…only because I enjoy reading your posts. Keep going <3 🙂
Such lovely words, Dashy. I must say I miss you and your comments here when you aren’t around. You always add a thing or two to the post.
I need to develop a discipline, I think. May be some April I might take up the challenge. I’m glad you come back here and enjoy my posts. Feels very good. Start writing you too, please. ☺