General, India, Motivation, Mumbai, Nature

Positive vibes :-)

There’s nothing special about today, nothing specific atleast. It is just another Monday morning, husband has left for work and the kids are still cozily sleeping in their beds.

Yet I feel a strange sense of calm today. Lot of relief can come easily to us if we stop comparing ourselves and our goals with others and don’t mind being completely vain about not ‘living up’ to our own great expectations.


I don’t know if you agree with this but it sure works in my case. Whenever I see a sunrise I’m filled with such positive anticipation that all dark feelings simply fade out in my heart and mind. There’s nothing more motivational than welcoming a new day.

Happy Monday and a Happy week everyone! ☺

P.S: I’m hooked to Instagram these days and post lots of pictures. You can also connect with me there if you like. My handle is varsha.bagadia. 🙂


8 thoughts on “Positive vibes :-)

  1. Sunrise feels the mind with all of the positive energies beside us
    and sunset gives peace to the disturbed mind,a feeling of accomplishment,a feeling of judgement about what we have done in a day to get closer to our goals
    I loved watchin them too

    1. You put it very beautifully. Sunrise is for new hopes and sunsets are for being thankful for a day well spent, alive and healthy. ☺
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

  2. Hey Varsha! You indeed had a blissful morning standing witness to the rising sun. The beginning of a new day is like a second chance to undo your mistakes, to pick up from where you left (positively at least) and another chance at life in itself. I had my ‘down’ day too yesterday, left me feeling the same about not just reaching what I am striving for! We all have it, chill dear, good to share though!

    1. Hey Perfy! One of the reasons why I go for a morning jog is getting to witness the gorgeous sunrise everyday. It is almost like a habit, to come home and show the lovely images to A. 🙂
      We have our down days but it is good to begin a new day with new hopes.

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