General, India, Me, Trends, Women, Writing Prompts

To decide and/or

That time when your hands want to grab both your favourite combinations, your imagination has already begun creating and rejecting innovative designs, your mind is regrettably doing the math and your heart is hoping that the ‘or‘ becomes moot altogether! πŸ™‚

25 thoughts on “To decide and/or

    1. Ah! Well…it was a close call. Then I thought the blue one would look better on a fairer person (I’m wheatish) probably. Sari pic in the next post for sure. ☺

    1. Haha…the will power came after the unwelcome realisation that I have around 6 unstitched dress materials lying in my cupboard. :-/ True, the end result would look good. πŸ™‚

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