The Facebook notification icon turns red and displays some double digit number. Immediately, I click on it and find a long list of likes and comments.
The WordPress app screen on my phone is open and I scroll down to see that I haven’t caught up on any blogs of late.
Flipkart and Amazon are literally giving away stuff at dirt rates and I’m window-shopping.
A friend has pinged and I’m chatting with him. I can even recollect part of the conversation.
Candies, boosters and sugar crushes….I’m super excited and on level 300.
Meanwhile, I’m having coffee and talking to a person who’s picture I saw on his/her blog.
All this might sound cute, but probably not if I mention that I dreamt of all this the other night. :-/
Pray, I need to get out more!!! 😛 😀
nuts you are no! hahaha!
Branded!! ????????????
Imagine pinsy…when I woke up my reaction was simply…what on earth!! ????????
Haha! Looks like you really should get out more. 😛
I work from home mostly nowadays…guess that has really got me hooked. Need to summon friends to take me out. ????
Add quora to that and your life would be complete 🙂
Haha….life or the loss of it? ????????
Be positive 🙂
Hmmm ☺
Atleast i get to make a post about it ????
now thats what we call a well thought repartee 🙂
Ha ha ☺☺
you getting all the fun in dreams .. I wonder how fun-Full it would be if you got out tooooo 🙂 🙂
Hahaha….all the fun is in the dream…that’s the problem!!! Probably my mind too takes a break from being an overstressed and overworked mother of two there. ????????
???????????????? I am sure that’s not always imagine the fun with the two..
Arre I try to focus and write only on the positives. If I write how much they make me suffer by blog will become a whining hole. ????????
Errrrr. Or maybe it would be how much they suffer ha ha ha ha ha ha.. I got to listen to all points of view.. ????????????
???????????? Kya bol rahe ho yaar? Who think I would make them suffer? ????
You said if you write how much they make you suffer.. so I said maybe talk to them and ask if you make them..????????????
Be my guest…go ahead…I would like to know too ????????