Friends, Funny life, People

An apt follow-up :)

My last post essayed a side of me that wasn’t particularly comfortable with the way I am. Call it a sort of insecurity or a complex, if you please. For someone like me who’s already stepped in her 30s and is far from achieving the plans she’d made for herself, even such tiny fixations turn into a confidence boosting or quashing exercise.

I’d still be down in the dumps cribbing owing to all the hokum in my head, save the presence of some super fabulous people around who just wouldn’t let that happen to me! I keep reminding and blessing myself for all the good things I did in this life and the past ones and vouch to continue doing them.

When A Jr wants to go out, he just has to, and until you take him out he can drive you nuts repeating it over and over again. It was one such evening. He had his milk and was nicely tucked up in his fancy clothes while I was given less than 5 mins to get my act together. Hurriedly I changed into the first dress I caught sight of (an unironed kurti and a salwar), simply rolled back my hair and dug the clutcher somewhere in it, didn’t bother even looking in the mirror and rushed out with the keys before he could begin again, only to know that he was already waiting for me in the lobby downstairs.

In the parking area one of our neighbour, N, a boy in his late teens studying engineering, was washing his father’s car (possibly for some extra pocket money that he’s always short of) while A Jr was observing him closely. He (the boy N) saw me coming, gave me a long staring look, mumbled something under his breath and went back to work. Now, I and this guy have a masti wali relationship and we keep picking on each other all the time. Understandably, I went straight to him demanding to know what he said.

Me: What happened?

N: *Wiping the sweat off his forehead* Nothing. I didn’t recognise you. I was looking hard because I thought someone from outside our building was visiting or something.

Me: Oh..

N: *Looking straight at me* Don’t wear such clothes in future. You’re looking different today.

Me: *Slightly offended and conscious of my choice* What do you mean? Good different or bad different?

N stopped working but remained silent while giving me a mischievous look.

Me: *Now very offended* Tell me! I should know if I should spank you or be glad that you complimented me for a change.

N: *Trying to make peace* You know what, take my suggestion, you should step out only in sarees.

Me: *Baffled* Huh?

N: *Smiling affably* Yes. Start wearing a saree and cover yourself completely in it, face included. May be then people won’t be compelled to stare at you. 😀 😉

I just stood there trying to comprehend what he said, still unsure of what to make of it, while he winked at me and went back to work. Even in my sloppy attire and no make-up look I got such a lovely flattering remark from someone I never expected it from. He looked back at me reassuring that this time he wasn’t pulling my leg. As for A Jr, he was already at the main gate ready to take off.

And me, I was grinning from ear to ear. My day was made! 🙂 🙂

5 thoughts on “An apt follow-up :)

    1. Oh I did, and somewhere inside, the younger me took a bow for just being myself and not trying unnecessary things to please anyone!
      Thanks for your comment and welcome here! 🙂

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