We write once and we’ve to write more…we read once and we’ve to read more…we comment on some blog and come back to see ours to check if our gesture has been returned :P…we pick out our favourite ones and follow them…we voice our thoughts and opinions freely…talk about issues bothering us without having to bother about the repercussions…its a virtual world but still so real..
All this is much beyond non-bloggers though. For them such cute little paranoia’s are comparable with temporary insanity and obsessive Blogomania! Don’t agree with me?? I’ll tell you what all I’ve had to endure after being a part of this world.
After returning home from work the first thing A asks me everyday, ‘ So did you write a post today?’ (Hello…what happened to the ‘How was your day’ routine?)
He simply has to see what I’m reading! He reads posts from over my shoulders standing behind me and then says, ‘What’s the big deal behind writing this? So and so happened with so and so, what’s there to write about it?’ (I didn’t call him to read it now, did I?)
I’m commenting on someone’s post. He has to point out atleast once that if its not compulsory why do I have to do it at all. I’ve to think and comment, so why the needless stress on the brain?
This one is funny. I follow a lot of people many of whom don’t follow me back. Nevertheless I visit their blogs and read them regularly. He seems to not like it. He says I must get them to read me! Doesn’t that sound desperate and needy I ask. He doesn’t answer but stands firm on his views 😛
If I’m chatting with someone on Gtalk he asks me, ‘So is this person your school friend/college friend/colleague/acquaintance or most likely a blog friend? Don’t you guys talk too much on blogs already?’
Many more such things to add, but you already know what I mean to say right? The concept is completely lost on these people. Smartly judging that such remarks invite only my wrath he’s learnt to hold his tongue on few occasions. Good for him.
Notwithstanding his comments I love to be here and will continue to do so, always 🙂
1st !
this is so typical of all the husbands who don't belong to this Blog world..Tell A he has a company this side 😉
@Nu: Haan baba…YAY!! :)Oh he keeps asking me…doesn't Nu's husband get bored too when you both you girls are busy with blogs 😛
U are reading Ghosh, I never got my hands on that poppies book.. let's see… I love his calcutta chromosome …
@Pinsy: Yeah you 2nd Pinsy dear :)Yes reading Ghosh…enjoying it as of now 🙂
@Pinoo:Oh and I'vent been able to pick Amitav any time..though I have 'The hungry tide' on the shelf right in front of me..but somehow I'm unable to pick it up to read: P@Varsh: Is it ?? A asks about H's state ?? LOL…Let these guys meet and we can see a super drama and animated conversation about us and our blog world 😛
@Nu: Oh yes he does…he says you girls have lost your mind…when these guys meet they'll have loads to talk about I'm sure…animated and very complaining also 😛
I'll be an audience, wonder what AB has to chip into that animation 😉@Nu: The Hungry Tide… mmm mmmI would say start with Shadow line or Calcutta Chromosome, I got hooked… Hungry tide is a tad too tragic for my taste though I love the front cover, that green is so soothing :)Me solving medieval mysteries and puzzles.. hee hee Rose Labyrinth.. 🙂
@Pinsy: I have too much to catch on…haven't had the time to read…it is such a relief I can now :)I know it sounds kiddish…but I can't myself to select voluminous books…I always choose the slim ones 😛
@Pinoo: Is it ?? Hmm may be that's why I bought it few months back but unable to start it !@Varsh: We must all meet so that we can have another post idea about A and H's conversation 😉
@Nu: Ya…one of us can write a post on how great a get-together it was…and another one will elaborate on the atom bombs they dropped on our net usage habits…What say?? 😛
LOL Varsh .. me glad about what u said in the last part ;)I love to be here and will continue to do so, always 🙂 … yay to that 🙂
It's fun to see the kind of reactions we get from everyone who doesn't blog and isn't addicted to it 😀 :DA is curious and jealous of the fun you have without involving him ;)Enjoy Varsha…and keep writing!!
I was addicted for quite a few months last year…but so far this year, I have been too busy to be addicted! Sigh…will be back eventually. 🙂 Still enjoying blogosphere! You have fun and don't listen to A 😉
hahahaha…..so ghar ghar ki kahani…i hope this blogmania remains alws ..and so we get good posts….:-)
@Swaram: YAY!! Ofcourse I'm not going to let anything come in between me and my blog and my blogger friends!! Love to be here and will always be!! 😀
@CB: A's jealous and curious for sure…he says he can't fathom what I get from blogging…and it is good it is this way :)Reactions are plenty…what…you blog…are people really into it…what do you do with it…etc etcI'll always keep writing CB..I like it 🙂
@PB: Won't listen to A…yes…the addiction seems to be with everyone..but no one's complaining…it works for our advantage eventually…we get to read great posts!! 🙂
@rohini: You back!!! :)It is ghar ghar ki kahani…pakka…it will always remain dear…we need to vent out somewhere…this is such a great medium 🙂
Most of my friends are non blogging friends, and frankly not one of them has read through my blog!! Sad little island there. But I was deeply touched when instead I could make blogger buddies with whom I could relate to, and vice versa.Nevertheless, I seem to be blogging much less then I used to since I was in Petersburg. Dunno why, guess back here I see and interact less with people and places. Hopefully things will change when internship begins!!!
@Vyazz: Same here..none of my friends blog…after I told them to go through my blog they did oblige (I guess) but the reactions were definitely not the kind I get from blogger friends out here. What I like is the ease with which we can relate to people out here without knowing anything about them!Oh I'm sure after your internship begins you'll have a lot to share with us. Hope it leaves you with the energy to write, for as far as I know it can be grueling at times. We love to read you and would want you to write more often 🙂
Girl A atleast reads what you write..or sees what you are reading..this side it is just a big shake of her.. Blog again.. :(They don't understand..they don't get it.. that is the simple fact.. Sigh
@Comfy: No dear..not reading at all is better than those comments dripping with sarcasm and exaggerated resignation…if they don't get it they should just leave it to us na…why bother to bless us with those unwelcome 'vishesh tippaniyan' 😛
the L&M loyally subscribed to my posts on the very first day and tut-tuts when he doesn't have the time to read. and he comments too, albeit only verbally: "that was only so-so," or "Achcha tha!" Lucky me, ma?
I meant Lucky me, na? sorry for the typo
@zephyr: A does read my posts sometimes…and to my relief and surprise even likes a few (especially the ones on A Jr)but he's a critic one would definitely not like having at home! Yes…you are lucky…many of us here have husbands who think we've contracted the blogging disease. 😛
I was addicted to blogging too when i started blogging..now after the readership,comments etc dropped i'm not too much into it…
@Analyst: Usually it goes the other way round…when people start dropping in more you feel encouraged by the readership…that's what I feel..you mean you don't like blogging anymore?
Interesting ????but i sometimes find writind tedious though satifying and more permanent…telling something verbaly appears easy than painstakingly writing ☺☺
Writing can be tedious if we do it as a compulsion. On days we don’t feel like it we can take breaks. Verbally is easy, agreed, but somehow I find expressing through writing easier.